Fine Motor Skills and Handwriting


Does your child hate writing? Does it seem like they were never actually taught how to write? Maybe they seem to get exhausted by the very idea of it.

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Not only can we help with handwriting, we can help with those other daily fine-motor chores like tying shoes, getting dressed, and zipping up backpacks!

Your child may chant "Velcro shoes forever! Long live pants with elastic waists!" and not-so-secretly hope that one day iPhones will read their minds so they will never need to write anything (don't they kinda do that already?) but you hold different beliefs and values. With your greater life experience and wisdom, your voice from within is telling you that your child will need handwriting and fine motor skills in life. We help develop those skills. In fact, it's what we do best.

We use Handwriting Without Tears®, a developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory curriculum for writing instruction. Depending on your child's needs, we may focus on developing proper formation, sizing, and spacing of letters. We also help refine these skills and focus on proper alignment to create legible writing.